It took a bit of thinking and a few sheets of scrap card stock to come up with this design. Each page is created with just one sheet of paper. It makes this project super material friendly....
Be sure to check the Hobby Lobby tab for the complete supply list and the details of this class.
I have a really cute bonus project for all of you....check my Facebook page....
Folio books...flip books....folio flip books...snail mail books....there are probably a gazillion different names for these little books I am seeing everywhere right now. I decided to go with the simple approach to create something in just a couple of hours.
How cool would this be if you stuffed it full of crafty goodness to share and mailed it to a friend? I know I would be super excited to find this in my mail box.
Be sure to check the Hobby Lobby tab for all the details....see you soon!
Hello all my crafty friends and Happy New Year to you!
I am so far behind in getting this out to you. I was pretty sick the entire month of December and was still working the "other" job. Needless to say, it took a darn long time to get healthy again!
I can say with a fair degree of certainty that a flu shot is probably a waste of time and money.....I got the the flu TWICE!!!! LOL
Anyhow......I have done file folder minis in the past and I have to say it is actually one of my favorite materials to work with. It's sturdy, neutral in color and super cheap! This mini is a bit different.....I really like the construction of it......
Be sure to check the Hobby Lobby tab for supplies and details.....and I hope to see you soon!